Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Monday, September 20, 2004

Episode 14

   An elephant and a lion were staring back at her. A single hyena was only ten yards away, its nose pointed at the moon. A soft mournful tearful laugh echoed through the still air.

      A low throaty roar caused her to look back at the baobab tree. The lion was standing holding its left front paw from the ground. It moved an awkward step toward her and then sat down.

      The elephant pointed its trunk at her and trumpeted lightly. She could see a broad area of tearstains down one side of it head. It nodded and blinked its good eye.

      The electric lights came on and the man was yelling at her. She swung her head toward them and took in the two of them standing on the last step. She swung back quickly to the savanna. A single twin bed, neatly made, was against the wall. The whole room was neat and clean with a trace of stale air. She stepped farther into the bedroom hoping to see the baobab tree.

      "What did you see?" The wife stood in the doorway ahead of her husband. "What did you see?" she asked again. Her voice was a combination of fear and excitement. "We saw you step in and moonlight came through the open door. Then five seconds later the electric lights came on."


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