Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Episode # 10

   "What is that smell? It's awful."

      "We think it's elephant manure," the wife said. She pushed the woman down the hallway to the second door. "Go ahead and open it.

      The woman stood firmly, braced against the wall, resisting the urgings of the two people. "Why do you think it's elephant manure?"

      The husband released his grip on her arm. "Grandpop worked in Africa as a young man building railroads. In his spare time he would go hunting. He loved to hunt and he dreamed of killing big game." He paused and listened as an elephant seemed to be trumpeting only a few hundred feet away. Before he could resume the story, a lion roared. It sounded closer and from another direction.

      "What in the hell is going --?" The light went out completely, plunging the hall in total darkness. No light from the downstairs' room was visible. The whole house was encased in darkness. A bolt of blue lightning erupted from the doorknob and jumped to another knob on the opposite side of the hall.

      "Don't mention that place," the wife hissed. "Just open the damn door and exorcise the room." She removed her hands from the woman's back

      The Feng Shui woman found another doorknob in the black hallway and anchored herself firmly, refusing to be prodded farther. "What did he do in Africa? He had to have done something wrong for the animals to be here after he's dead." She stared in the direction she thought the husband was standing.


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