Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Monday, September 13, 2004

Episode # 7

"You can’t do that," the wife whimpered. "You just can’t leave us here with that monster upstairs. You’ve got to get rid of him." She took the Feng Shui woman by the wrist and began pulling firmly.

The husband grabbed her other wrist and pulled her to the first step. "You have to come with us. If you don’t, I’m going to run an ad in the paper saying that the Feng Shui demon chaser refused to even look into a haunted bedroom." He paused for moment as the noise went up a notch. "I don’t think that would be too good for business."

The woman snatched her wrists back. "OK, OK. It’s blackmail, is it? Maybe I was a little hasty." She looked first at the husband and then at the dark hallway at the top of the steps. "Turn the light on. It’s dark up there."

The wife stood behind the Feng Shui and flicked the light switch twice. "It never works except when the electrician is here. Then it works perfectly." She firmly pushed the woman up on the first step.

The Feng Shui stood on the first step with one foot poised on the next. Wrinkles appeared on her forehead as she turned her head slightly to listen. "It seems like the sounds intensifies as we go up the steps." She removed her foot from the second step. "Did you hear that? It went down."


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