Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Episode # 6

   The wife moved up beside the woman. “I know what the smell is. It’s that old cheap perfume those tramps wear mixed in with his trashy cigar smell. And then on top of that, there’s a faint lingering smell of sulfur and brimstone.” She stopped as the upstairs’ sounds died away. “You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know where that smell came from.”
         The husband frowned at his wife. “I don’t smell that. You make it sound like my granddad is an escapee from hell.”
         The lights went off, the floor shook, lightning flashed across the hallway followed instantly by a clap of thunder. The lights began to glow a dull red, flickered twice and came back on.

         The wife had her hand over her mouth. “You shouldn’t have said that. You know it makes him angry if you mention anything having to do with the dead.” She paused for a second looking at the ceiling. “At least it makes somebody angry.”
         “I see, I see.” The Feng Shui woman backed away from the steps. “I can definitely see that this is going to be a major, major exorcism. Why don’t we make an appointment for next month and then I’ll come back with the Feng Shui Grand Master.” She began walking backward towards the front door. “Don’t call us, we’ll call you.”


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