Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Episode 13

      "Who's there?" She moved her foot back trying to find the first step. Her voice had a high hysterical pitch. "Where are you guys? There's something here. I think it came from that room." She paused for a few seconds, straining to hear another sound in the hallway. No sound or light came from either side of the door.

       She swallowed and wiped at the sweat appearing on her forehead. She relaxed her body bringing muscles and mind under control. A second later she squared her shoulders. "I'm not scared of any damn ghost," she whispered to herself.

      She walked to the door and placed her right hand on the doorknob. With her left hand she reached toward the corner of the hall and moved her hand in a circle trying to find whatever had jumped into the hallway. She had turned the knob and had pushed the door a tiny bit when she felt a furry ear. Something hit the door with a terrible force. The door knob was wrenched from her hand. A furry object brushed by her leg causing her to stumble into the doorway.

      For what seemed like an eternity she moved her head slowly taking in the broad African savanna. A lone baobab tree dominated her view. A movement caught her eye from under the tree. She put her hand on her forehead to block out the full moon.


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