Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Episode 12

     They walked toward the birds. A few hundred yards away the elephant carcass appeared as a small hill. Two old mangy lions that had been chased out of their pride were trying to eat. The lions were busy chasing vultures and fending off hyenas.

       The hunters climbed a tree to be safe and waited. Grandpop didn't wait too long before shooting. According to him, the bullet hit one of the lions on the lower foot with the possibility of breaking a bone. The lions had to leave and one was limping severely. Before they left, Grandpop shot at one of the hyenas and wounded it slightly."

      A lion's roar came through the door followed by a gust of air that brought the smell of decay to the hallway.

      The Feng Shui woman strained her eyes trying to see the door and what lay behind it. "So he wounded a few animals. That doesn't mean anything. I think you have a tape recorder in there and for some reason are trying to fool me. Turn on the lights so I can get out of here. Then I'm going to sue the living hell out of you."

      A bolt of lightning jumped from the door to the light bulb. The flash of white light was enough for her to see she was alone in the hallway. Darkness returned in a split second. The door opened, moonlight spilled into the hallway, bringing more dry African odors along with the harsh laugh of a hyena. Something jumped into the hall. A second later the door slammed shut with a crack of thunder.


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