Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Episode # 4

       “Whoa,” the Feng Shui woman whispered
backing to the middle of the living
room. “A few questions. One time you’re
saying woman and then the next time
it’s women. Which is
     The husband walked down the steps, making no
effort to be quiet. “It’s
women.” The old fool usually brings a different one
home every day. It’s
embarrassing. We haven’t had anyone visit us for over a
     The Feng Shui woman glanced up the stairs
into the dark hallway. The
thumping began again, half as loud as the
previous. A doorknob rattled as
someone began beating quietly on the door.
“How do you know it’s your
grandfather? It could be a poltergeist or a demon.
To get rid of one of them
causes the price to go up.”
She listened to the two sounds. The thumping seemed to be quieter while
rapping on the door intensified. “Are you sure you guys haven’t just
grandfather in his bedroom? I know how it is with old people
suffering from
Alzheimer’s. Put him in a nursing home and be done with it.
It’s going to be
a hundred dollars just for this visit.”
     “No, no!”
The wife gently but firmly pushed the Feng Shui woman towards
the stairway.
“He’s been dead for two years. He buried in the Church
Cemetery outside of
town. At least ten miles away.” She stopped as the
rapping became louder. “I
don’t know who is doing the rapping. Sometimes I
think it’s the woman trying
to get out of the bedroom. She wants to get away
from the old


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