Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Episode # 9

   "What in the devil was that?"

      All the lights went out, an upstairs' door opened and slammed shut. A gust of hot dry air mixed with dust and aromas from distant lands hit them in the face.

      The woman stopped and tried to step backward but the wife was too close.

      The wife stopped pushing and tugged the woman sleeve for attention. "Don't say words like that. I told you words that have to do with the dead or under ground makes him upset."

      The Feng Shui woman wiped her forehead. "What in the hell are you talking about? I only said —." She was cut off by a loud squeal from the room. The lights flickered and came on twice as bright as normal. Loud static erupted from the TV. She leaned back against the wife as far as possible. "What was that? It sounded like a sound I heard on the Discovery Channel." She paused for only a second. "It was an elephant."

      They pulled and pushed her all the way to the top while the Feng Shui woman kept mumbling about an elephant. They stopped with the husband and the Feng Shui woman barely in the hallway and the wife on the last step blocking the way down.

      Hot dry putrid air blew out from under the door causing loose ends of the scatter rug to flutter.


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