Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Episode # 3

     Then masculine laughter followed by giggling, defiantly feminine.
He tiptoed to the steps beckoning for the woman to follow. "We could put up
with him as long as it was only him." He listened for a moment at the
laughter and giggling. "But now the old coot has started bringing women
         He eased up five steps and waved for the woman to follow. A louder
peal of laughter came from the hallway at the top of the stairs followed by
shrill laughter.
         "Come on," he whispered as softly as possible. "We'll break in on
them. They should be ashamed of themselves." He moved up three more steps
and glanced back at the woman still standing at the foot of the stairs.
"Come on."
       The Feng Shui woman slowly moved up two steps. Her foot was on the
third step when a loud thumping broke out from the hallway. The electric
lights flickered and a few flecks of paint slowly drifted down from the
ceiling. "What was that?" She stepped back to the living room floor as snow
appeared on the TV screen. "Where is that noise coming from?"
          "The second bedroom on the right." The wife glanced up the stairs.
"Sometimes it's louder than that. He's yelling at the top of his lungs and
the woman he has with him is screaming. It's terrible. I have to cover my
ears sometime. He is so vulgar." She paused for a second. "And the women are
no better."


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