Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Episode # 2

      The Feng Shui woman straightened up, still holding the second cushion and
looked at the staircase. “I sense evil,” she intoned in a rough voice. She closed her eyes and looked upward. “A great evil lives in this house. I will have to do a major exorcism. Your grandfather is firmly entrenched.” She opened her eyes and seemed slightly befuddled. “What did I say? There’s seems to be something terrible here.”

       “Something about a major exorcism.” He waited a few seconds and then asked, “How much is a major as compared to a minor exorcism?”

      “He’s really not evil,” the wife said. “He’s just a pain and he shouldn’t be here.” She hesitated for a second looking at her husband. “I don’t really know where he should be.”

       The Feng Shui briefly surveyed the room, the moderate furnishings and decided the pair could afford a five hundred dollar exorcism. “It may take three or four visits before your grandfather is completely and forever
exorcised. For you good people, I’ll do it for five hundred dollars. Of course, if I have to bring in the Feng Shui master, then the price will have to go up.”

       She waited until the wife slowly nodded at her husband.

       The woman replaced the second cushion. “Now, where is he?”

       The man started to reply but cocked his ear toward the stairway and held a finger to his lips. A faint noise drifted down the steps. Then masculine laughter followed by giggling, defiantly feminine.


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