Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Thursday, September 09, 2004

New Serial

       She stood in the doorway for thirty seconds, her dark eyes darting from one side of the living room to the other. Finally she stepped in and slowly closed the door. Another ten seconds went by before she moved to the sofa and lifted each cushion, inspected it and then ran her hand in the crevices.

      “What are you looking far? We haven’t lost anything.” The man looked at his wife. “What did you tell her?”

      “I told her the truth. Grandpop’s spirit is still in this house and he won’t leave. I told her we wanted her to get rid of him.” A low distant rumble of thunder drifted across the room. She glanced quickly at the ceiling. “He’s your grandpop but he’s getting to be a real pain in the rear.”

       He nodded his head at his wife in agreement and then looked toward the Feng Shui woman in slight bewilderment. “He’s not under the cushions. Why are you looking there?”

      “What we do is to restore harmony to a home. Usually we do this by moving things, doing re-arranging of the furniture and in rare cases removing something.” She kept on looking under the cushions.

      “That’s what we want you to do.” The wife nodded toward the staircase. “We want you to remove Grandpop. He shouldn’t be here.”


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