Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Monday, August 30, 2004


     “What did he look like? Was he tall, dark and handsome or short, light and ugly.”
     The bellhop grinned at Martha. “He was just a little short, skinny guy. Bald headed and maybe fifty years old. The police will show you his picture sometime today. There’re some at the front desk. I’ll try to bring one up the next time I’m on this floor.” He nodded at Madame Z and started to the door.
     “Whoa,” Martha said. “Two more questions. How was he killed and where was he found?”
     The bellhop opened the door and stepped into the hall. “The Police haven’t said exactly how he was killed, but the cook, who discovered the body, told me there was a lot of blood on the guy’s chest. He was found in the back of the cook’s pickup in our parking garage. He was laying in there nice and flat right next to the side. It’s a wonder the cook even saw him.” He waved at both women and closed the door.


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