Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Episode 15

The kitchen was quiet for the next ten minutes, Runyard put all is photos in
his briefcase. Arbuckle tapped his phone lightly against the table while
Mrs. Pine wiped her eyes. The phone sounded abnormally loud.

"Arbuckle here, what the message?" He waited a few second and began
grinning. "A bull's eye. You say the whole block is destroyed. Good work, I'll
put in a citation to your commander." He dropped the phone in his pocket and
nodded at Runyard. Get all your stuff packed. We'll go as soon as he comes
down from the search. We'll take her and hold as a possible enemy

"Come here, quick." The man at the top of the stairs was pointing at
Arbuckle. "Come here, I have something to show you."

Arbuckle wearily climbed the stairs. "What is it? We're ready to go."

"Read this letter from Pine to his wife.

Arbuckle read the letter and wiped the sweat forming on his forehead. "You
mean they've actually been in Las Vegas for six days participating in a
nine-ball tournament?

The agent nodded. I called the casino and checked. This Smith guy won the
tournament and won $25,000 dollars. The match was live on ESPN yesterday."


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