Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Episode 14

The agent stood there. “I got to go. It can’t wait.” He looked at Arbuckle.

Arbuckle nodded his head. “Go ahead and then look around. There may be a cache of AK47s in the bedrooms.”

“You can’t search my house. Where’s your search warrant? The constitution protects home owners from over-zealous and lunatic officials. Stay out or our bedrooms.”

Arbuckle shook his head and pointed at the stairs. “Do a good and thorough search. You guys may just get a commendation for this bust. It’ll look good on your records.” He grinned as the agent trotted up the stairs.  He turned back to Mrs. Pine and was thinking what to do when his phone rang. “Arbuckle here, have you located these three traitors?” He grunted a few times. “You know exactly where they are?” He listened a few more seconds to the man in Baghdad. “If you know where they are, go get them. Send a Marine squad in.” He pressed the phone closer to his ear. “Speak clearer, your signal is breaking up.” He held the phone away from his ear.

“What’s the matter, getting a lot of static?”

Arbuckle ignored her and shook the phone. “Come on, call me again.” He tapped it lightly on the table. On cue it rang again. “Arbuckle here, what going on?”


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