Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Episode 10

A soft ringing came from Arbuckle's coat. He hurriedly opened his cell
phone. "Arbuckle here." He listened for a few minutes, nodding and grunting
into the phone. He kept his eyes on Mrs. Pine the whole time. He grunted one
last time and closed the phone.

"It seems we have another very reliable source." He grinned
lewdly at Mrs. Pine. "Only this time it's a female reliable source."

"Oh God, I'll bet it was Ruthie. What did she have to say? She knows
everything that happens in this town."

Arbuckle's smile faded. "This female source swears that your husband and Mr.
Smith left for Atlantic City seven days ago. They were going to play the

"You got the wrong men. Smitty and Jerry would never play the slot machines.
You're guaranteed to lose playing those things. They'll be playing cards or
shooting pool. Smitty is the hustler."

Arbuckle ignored Mrs. Pine. "We're checking all the casinos in Atlantic
City. A sizable reward is going to be offered for any information leading to
their arrest. All flights going to the Middle East six or seven days ago are
being checked. Especially flights to Tehran or Damascus."


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