Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Episode 6

Her voice quavered for the first time. "It could have been.
Jerry and I have been married so long we don't even notice each other. I'm
an early to bed and late to rise person. Jerry is the opposite. He comes to
bed late and gets up early." She wiped at her eyes for a second. "I guess I
could have missed him. I really don't pay that much attention to his comings
and goings. My memory is not quite as good as it use to be." She stopped for
a moment. "What about Smitty's wife? She'll know where they are."

Arbuckle was shaking his head the whole time. "Not a soul over
there. It looks like all the Smiths have pulled up stakes and gone." He
smiled faintly. "At least seven days ago. She and those other two
treacherous traitors are on the road to Baghdad right now and you're left
here to face the music."

She slumped down in the chair for a second and then straightened
up. "You're all mistaken. They're not traitors. I know where they went. They
went to see Smitty's children."

"We haven't been able to locate the children." Arbuckle barely
shook his head. "Do you know where they live? We can't find them. Give us
their address and we can settle this right now."


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