Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Episode 7

"I don't know where they live. One lives in the Oak Ridge, Tennessee area
and the other lives around Aberdeen, Maryland."

"Good Lord," Arbuckle said wiping at his forehead. "Did you hear
that? One is where our country makes atomic bombs and the other is near a
chemical and biological warfare facility." He glanced at the third agent.
"Make sure you get all of this. We have to let Powell in on this." He leaned
back against the wall and grinned. "We got us a whole nest of spies,
turncoats and evil doers. I think our bulletin going to agents in the field
will be to use extreme caution. If necessary, shoot on sight."

Mrs. Pine burst out sobbing. "What do you mean? You can't do
that. It's against the law to shoot innocent people. Please check the pool
hall again. That's where they are."

Runyard slid another photo across the table. "Here's your
husband on a surveillance camera."

She glanced down at the photo for a second and picked it up.
"This is Jerry. Where was this camera?" She studied the photo of Jerry
smiling at the camera for a few seconds. "It looks like he's in a store."


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