Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Episode 9

She paused a moment and glanced at Arbuckle. "Also you guys had better get
your geography straight. Morocco and Casablanca are not in the Fertile

Her statement didn't faze either one.

Runyard gently slid the photo back. "We have a reliable quote
from a pool hall patron that Jerry once said that the Bay Bridge was the
worst thing that ever happened to the Eastern Shore. Your husband wished the
terrorist had hit there instead of the World Trade Center."

She thought for a few seconds. "Well, so do I. Just think, there
wouldn't have been much loss of life and the bridge would have been cheaper
to rebuild."

Runyard slid out a photo of the Bay Bridge. "So you agree with
your husband that the Bay Bridge should be blown up." He smiled up at
Arbuckle awaiting her reply.

"No, of course not. You're trying to twist things. Jerry may
have said that but so have half of the people on the Eastern Shore."


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