Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Episode 4

Agent Runyard slid another photo across the table. "Here they
are again talking with two women in burkas. They have no shame. Fraternizing
with the enemy and serving in their army."

Mrs. Pine shoved the photos back at Runyard. "Whoa, wait a
minute. You're going too fast. What do you mean; they're not at the
poolroom? They've been going there every day for the last two weeks."

'No, no, no." A small smile appeared on Arbuckle's face. "He's
been lying to you all along. We think your husband and Mr. Smith have
already landed in Tehran and are making their way to Baghdad. He's probably
traveling right now with one of those so-called female freedom fighters. We
expect to see them soon on the Al Jazeera Arab Network."

Agent Runyard slid another photo across the table. "Here they
are on the prayer rugs facing Mecca."

"Now I know it's not Jerry. He couldn't pray once week. There's
no chance of him praying five times a day. Why don't you guys just pack
your bags and leave?"


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