Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Episode 2

Mrs. Pine shook her head. "What on earth are you talking about? Jerry's an
English teacher. He doesn't know anything about bombs. Just check the pool
hall." She paused a second. "Or better yet, why don't you guys go down to
the pool hall and talk to Jerry and Smitty?"
Arbuckle backed away from the table and leaned against the wall.
Another agent stepped forward. "Ma'am, I'm special agent Runyard with the
ATF. We have reasons to believe your husband and Mr. Smith are involved with
Osama bin Laden."
Mrs. Pine kept shaking her head. "Just what is the ATF? Are you
sure you guys work for our government? Let me see your ID's again. You keep
asking such crazy questions."
"Ma'am, ATF means Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms." He held his ID
out for a few seconds. He reached into his briefcase. "I have some photos
here of your husband and Mr. Smith at a terrorist training ground. We raided
the camp a few months ago and found these photos." Runyard slid the photo in
front of Mrs. Pine. "There's your husband." He used a pencil to point.
"Right there in the black turban holding the AK47 over his head. Next to him
is Mr. Smith with a RPG launcher."


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