Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Episode 3

He paused a second and then pointed at another person. "This man, Omar bin Sufi, has been connected to the bombing of our embassy in Lower Patagonia." Arbuckle leaned away from the wall. "Tell us where they are because, as you can see, they are in deep trouble. Even with their cooperation, they are looking at ten to twelve in the Big House."
Runyard gently placed another photo on the table along with a magnifying glass. "Here Smith is using binoculars to see what your husband is hitting on a target range."
Mrs. Pine picked up the first photo and used the glass. "That's not Jerry. It doesn't even resemble him. And that certainly isn't Smitty."
"We got both of them ready to put to the wall." Arbuckle grinned at Mrs. Pine. "Quit stalling and tell us where they are. If you keep holding back information about terrorists, you are going to be in the Slammer keeping them company." He shook his head sadly. "And don't tell us they are down at the pool hall. They aren't there and haven't been there for a good while."


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