Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Monday, July 04, 2005

Episode one

Episode 1 of 4

                       Frogs, Kisses and Gin


          The two women idly stirred their gin and tonic while sitting at an outside table at the Lame Duck Café. A newspaper was spread open to the fifth page.

          “Look here. Another girl is missing” Ruth put her finger on the article. “It says; Rosalie Smith was last seen in the vicinity of Mulberry Street. Her friends say she was standing on a street corner. Five minutes later when they checked on her, she had disappeared.”

           Joanne dropped her stirrer on the dirty table. “Oh, Good Lord, Mulberry Street in only two blocks away. I think Lucy and Janet are over near Mulberry. What do you suppose is happening to these poor girls? Are they being kidnapped and sent to some old Turk’s harem in Egypt

          Ruth ran her finger down the article for a few seconds. “Mary is the fifteenth girl that the police know about. Lord only knows how many of us are actually missing. The police probably throw half of the missing women reports in the trashcan, especially if they are like us.”

          Joanne wiped her stirrer on her sleeve and resumed stirring. “This place is certainly stingy with their limes. One tiny little wedge is all you get.”

          They looked up as Lucy walked briskly to the table. She was panting slightly, hair disheveled and carrying her hat in one hand while her other hand was over the inside hiding something. She beckoned at the waitress. “Bring me a double gin and tonic. Quick, I need it.”


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