Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species

Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff

          Written by Nelson Lynch

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

New Mexican Weddin


hot house

Old Town

Nelson, Hank and Lou at the Dance

Tuesday, May 22, 2007



Monday, May 21, 2007


That is one huge rattler.
        They should turn him loose so he can reproduce.
        Ticks are out in full force. In the last two days, I have removed three from behind my left knee.
        A nice cool sunny day.  Jeanne just cut a mess of asparagus. We'll have that, lettuce and a nice grilled chop of some description.
        We ate at the Globe Saturday nite. It's not cheap. I had a Bass Ale draft for $4. Smitty would choke. hoho
Love to Alllllll!


E-mail at 2:49

may 21

I'm trying to get my blog back from an unkown thief.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

More from the Farm

Aaron and Cadi are the grand children of Jeanne and Nelson Lynch and Sue and Gerry Rosenthal.

Tuesday they are at the Frontier Town Water Park.

July of 2006

July 23, 2006

July of 2006

July of 2006

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Baron M. Pine and Countess I. Hennigan were careening thru the mean streets of Taylorville searching for the Graveyard Tavern. The Baron yelled at his mules, “Whoa, you mangy critters. Whenever I’m near a graveyard and a tavern, I develop a bodacious thirst.”

The stable boy ran out to grab the mules. “Yes sir, how may I help you?” He sniggered a bit. “What do you want? We got a nice young maiden out in the barn.” He watched as the Countess alighted from the stagecoach. He held one hand to shield his voice. “We got a nice old man out in the barn for her.” He started giggling and stomping his feet.

The baron snapped his whip, making a feeble sound. “Boy, what’s your name? Do you even know your name?”

It’s Cash. Everybody calls me Cash because I never have any.” He giggled and wiped his nose on his coat sleeve.

The Baron glanced at the Countess. “A dismal place, but the mules are tired. I want a dark beer as long as my arm. There must be good food, drinks and decent rooms in this Inn.

The Countess strode to the door. “They better have oysters. I want a dozen raw on the half shell for starters. Then a dozen steamed to perfection. I’ll wash them down with a quart of Taylorville’s best beer.”

The baron placed the whip back in its socket. “Any decent vacant rooms here, boy?

Cash put his thumb against one nostril and blew hard. A large wad of snot landed close to the Baron's foot. Cash giggled a bit. "That nice young woman out in the barn, she'll do anything for a dollar."

Baron Pine stroked his beard for a second. "A dollar you say. What do you get out of this transaction?"

"I get to watch." He held out his hand. "One dollar in advance. It's a dollar and a quarter at the barn.”

This is the beginning of a new story.

Hello from the farm

Tomatoes are coming on strong.

This is practice using a widget HTML editor

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Great July Shindig

All charter members of Salisbury Teachers College, late 50's and early 60's

July 23, 2006


July 23, 2006

July 23, 2006

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

turtle and snake

More on the 19th